Saturday, 6 March 2010

Tin Tin

My sugar-coated caramel custard honey doll, Tin Tin died today. At a time in my life when nothing is in its place, he was the only one who made me laugh with joy, even without trying. He didn't expect anyting in return. The picky eater that he was, he subsisted on love, air and water. He was my white fluffy, furry ball of life, looney and love. Tinu hated being alone or going anywhere without my mom, dad or me. I hope he won't mind that we can't accopmany him on this last journey of his. The love of his life, Lola will miss him terribly. She knows something is wrong, she's shifting about restlessly and looking into our eyes looking for an explanation, not really wanting to know the truth. Lola, I know how much the truth hurts. The truth is like a spear, a spear that pierces the heart, the head, the tear glands.

Little boy was too young to go, just six years old. It was unexpected, making it harder to handle. For the past five days he was unwell, due to a liver problem, but even yesterday the doctor, after administering fluids, said Tinu should be up and about by this morning. But who am I to question? Who do I reason with? My dog died. I'll miss his prancing. His jumping when I come back home, even if is after stepping out for just two minutes and coming back in. His yelling and yelping. His running around the house like a madcap. His limp-bodied craving for a cuddle. His persistent tug at the leash. I'll miss calling him by his numerous/zany/irrelevant/irreverant pet names. I'll miss the family unit. Mummy, Daddy, Tin Tin, Lola and me. Please take care Tinu.


  1. If there is such a thing as unconditional love, Tin Tin knew what it was. Miss you.

  2. Anusha, am really sorry about Tin Tin. We'll all miss him and the fun he brought along!

  3. I will miss him too... will miss his welcome wag and exquisite stare.
    Can't believe jus yesterday I was talkin abt Tin Tin to a friend.

  4. A dog is always a man's best friend, Tin Tin was a standing example for that! I'll miss you buddy. You had a loving home and caring people.
